Mr John William Miller

John Miller (front).JPG

Donations collected in memory of John have now been forwarded to the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance

Thank you for your kind donations

Messages of condolence

Rest in peace John. With our Love Den & Jen

Mr Dennis Lunt

Will miss you John, a good friend. Our thoughts are with Mary, Joe and Ben. Love from Mike, Debbie and boys

Mr Mike Fisk

Thinking of Mary, Joe and Ben, so sorry for your loss. John was such a lovely man. Sending our love and condolences. Rip John xx

Mr and Mrs Julie Hunter

You will be greatly missed by your family and friends,you were such a lovely man to have known over the years

Mr Brian Griffiths

For our lovely neighbour, John. Such a kind and friendly man. We miss you. Thinking of Mary and all the family at this very sad time. Love from Yolanda, Phil and all the family xx

Mrs Yolanda Westall

This is so sad gone to soon,RIP John, thinking of you all much love Jackie & Mark Hooley drive

Mr and Mrs Jackie and Mark Laidlaw

Such devastating news on the loss of a truly wonderful friend & neighbour who always showed such kindness. ‘Fly high with the Angels John’ Love All at The Willows

Nikki, Terry, Jordan, Kiera, June & Stuart Oliver

So sorry for your loss, thinking of you all x

Miss Justine Mitchell

Our thoughts are with Mary, Joe and Ben on the tragic passing of John - such a talented man.

Mr and Mrs Stuart and Joan Mitchell

John was such a lovely man. We know he will be greatly missed. We send our condolences and deepest sympathy to all the family. The Lloyd Family.

Mrs Dawn Lloyd

Although your loss fills us with sadness and tears and we cannot believe we'll never see you again, our memories are filled with smiles and laughter of the good times we shared over the years.

Mr and Mrs Nick & Sarah Grey

It’s hard to comprehend we will never get to meet up again. Sending big hugs to Mary and your boys, with love Clare & Doug

Mr and Mrs Doug & Clare Pryke

Thank you for putting up with Mary’s Mad friends visiting your home over the years … listening to our noise and mayhem from a distance, being banished to the bedroom and graciously putting up with the leftovers from our parties. We thank you for the lifts and hospitality and joining in when asked for our crazy happenings like impromptu judging our Xmas flower arranging. A measure of the Man to put up with us lot! RIP John .. you will be sadly missed but never forgotten. Bev Oakes and Paul Hunt

Mrs Beverley Oakes

Thank you John for being the most kind & funny Uncle. Such good memories of our ski holidays and family gatherings, you really will be so missed. Love Gemma xxx

Miss Gemma Lloyd

John was such a kind and genuine man with a fantastic sense of humour, he was also my uncle for which I am forever grateful. I hope his memory brings joy and comfort to friends and family alike. Love from Ollie.

Mr Oliver Lloyd

Thinking of you all at this very sad time. Martin and Bronwen

Mr and Mrs Martin Charnley

John our lovely, kind brother in law and friend. We miss you so very much and are grateful for the wonderful memories we have of our many holidays and family get togethers. We are thinking of you all and we hope these memories will help, in some way, at this very sad time Lots of love Jenny and Graham xxx

Mr and Mrs Jenny Lloyd

Such a lovely genuine guy, who will be missed by all his family and friends. May all the happy memories over the years help you through this very sad time. Love Jane & Wayne and family xx

Mr and Mrs Jane Toovey

Sending you love and support during this sad time. xx

Mr and Mrs Paul Kent

In memory of John Miller Lynn, Mark, Charlie, Sam and Joe Benjamin xxx

Mrs Lynn Benjamin

In memory of John. Thinking of his family and sending love at this very sad and difficult time.

Mrs Tina Dalton

RIP John you will be sadly missed my friend Thoughts are with all your family at this sad time May you rest in eternal peace Till we meet again Harry.

Mr Harry Kalaydjian

Thank you for being such a fun Uncle, the ski trips, our Essex holiday home, all the dead arms and dead legs over the years, teaching me to stand up to all the boy cousins! The list goes on! You really will be missed so much. Much love Lauren, Jack and Sienna xxx

Mrs Lauren Murphy

Sending our warmest love and hugs. RIP John Love Julie & Peter

Julie Fraser

A great friend who will be sadly missed. Always a story to tell and happy memories together. Thinking of you all at this sad time. Love Neill, Denise and Family xx

Mr and Mrs Neill and Denise Thurogood

John was simply what it said on the tin, friendly, affable and always willing to lend a hand. Never seen him more happier or proud than when speaking about his wife and two boys. He will be sorely missed but never forgotten.

Mr Duncan Holdsworth

John was more than just a brother in law. He was a good friend to us and a great uncle to our children. We will all miss him.

Mr and Mrs Ian Grey

We just feel so sad but will always remember John as such a lovely and kind man who we loved so much. He will be terribly missed but we will fondly remember all the happy times we have spent with him and Mary. May he rest in peace. Our fondest love, Stuart & Kathryn xx

Mr Stuart Grey

We are thinking of you all at this sad time. Love from all at Downswood x

Daniel & Kelly Blake