Mrs Genevieve Claudine Gisele Sargeant

Genevieve Sargeant donation page Pic.jpg

Donations in memory of Geneviève have now been forwarded to

Farleigh Hospice & Cancer Research UK

Thank you for your kind donation

Messages of condolence

With very fond memories of dear Genevieve and thinking of Alan, Chantal & Pierre at this sad and difficult time. With love Cathy, Alison & family and Philip and family.

Mrs Catherine Draper

We will cherish all of our memories with Genevieve and will miss her very much. Love from Jackie, Neil, Lewis and Sean.

Mr and Mrs Neil Welch

Very sorry about Genevieve's passing. She will be much missed.

Mrs Janet Cassels

Such a very special cousin who bravely fought her illness with courage, strength and grace. Will miss you terribly Genevieve. Forever in the hearts of your family, love June and Derek XX

Mr and Mrs June Barlow

With fond memories of Genevieve and thinking of Alan, Chantal, and Pierre. With our deepest sympathy and prayers. Love from, Marion and John

Dr John and Marion Hume

Genevieve was a lovely friend and a good neighbour, she will be greatly missed. With love Paul & Heather xx

Mrs Heather Booker

With love and fond memories of Genevieve from Vivien and family xxx

Mrs Vivien Whittaker

With Sympathy, Lynn & Roy, Rachel & Bastien, Daniel &Jacqui


In loving remembrance of our dear Sister In Law Genevieve of whom we have so many happy memories.

Mr and Mrs Brenda & Norman Welch

My deepest condolences to the family.. Genevieve will be missed.. love Catherine &Emile

Mrs Catherine Tremblay