Mr Graham Roger Charldwood

Graham Charldwood.jpg

Donations collected in memory of Graham have now been forwarded to the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Trust

Thank you for your kind donation

Messages of condolence

Will miss you dear Graham. The nicest and most genuine man. Sleep tight. xxx

Mr and Mrs John & Karen ox

With love and fond memories of an absolute gentleman love John and Suzanne

Mr John Biscoe

Another Fyfield legend to say goodbye to. Graham say hello to all the others it must be like a queens head lock in up there now with all the best people. ❤️

Mrs Louisa Reynolds

Graham was a true gentleman and great family man. We have such fond memories to cherish All our love Ian & Lisa xxx

Mr and Mrs Ian & Lisa Barker

Graham ‘Ding Dong’ Charldwood, the original Silver Fox, a real gentleman, remembered with great fondness by us both, love from Dave & Julie xx

Mr and Mrs Dave & Julie Dodd

Graham - A complete gentleman to the last. Raising a half pint glass of bitter to a wonderful man. Corinne x

Mrs Corinne Platero weber

The loveliest man! a true gent! such a sad loss

Miss mary irving

Dearest Graham, A kind and charming person and the best cousin ever 💖 Sadly missed Cuz Lots of love Pam and Ray xxx

Mr and Mrs Ray and Pam Loft

RIP Graham. We lost touch in recent years, but many happy memories from earlier times Alan (cousin)

Mr Alan Craven