Mr Greg Dervin

Greg Dervin.png

Donations collected in memory of Greg are being received for Crohn's & Colitis UK

Thank you for your kind donation


Total collected to date: £1,594.75

Charity details

Crohn's & Colitis Uk

Every day, people are diagnosed with Crohn's or Colitis, the two main forms of inflammatory bowel disease. You could be any age, rich or poor, of any faith or none, of any ethnicity, sexuality, or gender. You could be anyone walking down any UK street. Whoever you are, a diagnosis of Crohn's or Colitis will be life changing.

Since 1979, Crohn's & Colitis UK has been here for everyone affected by Crohn's and Colitis.


Registered Number 1117148

Messages of condolence

Thinking of you all at this difficult time. All our love Sam and Laine x

Mr and Mrs Sam and Laine Taylor

Thinking of you, you will be missed from Chris and Alice x x

Miss Alice Steward

Forever in our hearts. With love from Kelly and Clare

Mrs Clare Meggs-Bowyer

With condolences from all of Greg's friends and colleagues at DBS.

Davies Burton Sweetlove Limited

Deepest condolences on your tragic loss. Thinking of you. Paul Collier and family

Mr Paul Collier

Thinking of Greg , Fuschia & Atticus & all the family. Sending our love, Jane & John Phillips & family

Mr and Mrs John Phillips

Thinking of you all, sending lots of love. Nina colin, & Ben xx

Mrs Nina Davies

Thinking of all the family at this sad time. Wishing you moments of comfort as you remember Greg and the happy times you shared. Bev & Martin

Mr and Mrs Bev & Martin Reynolds

We will always treasure our memories of you Love Jenna and Sarah

Miss Sarah Lyne

Thinking of you all at this terribly sad time. Jason, Jess, Josh & Alice xxxx

Mr Jason Dervin

Thinking of you all. With love from Scott, Laura, Grace & Molly xxxx

Mrs Laura Collier

With Love From Elaine, Nigel, Nicholas, Beth & Caroline So Sorry For Your Loss

Mrs Elaine Clark

Thinking of you and sending you our heartfelt condolences, we know Greg will be hugely missed by you all. Sending our love and deepest sympathies. Jim & Donna xx

Mrs Donna Watson

Service details

Celebration of a Life

25 June, 2024 11:00

Old Park Meadow

Coppice Lane, North End, Dunmow, CM6 3PL


25 June, 2024 12:00

Old Park Meadow

Coppice Lane, North End, Dunmow, CM6 3PL
Please note: wake time is an approximation