Rest in peace.
Mr and Mrs Alastair and Gaynor Manthorpe
With love for my generous, caring sister.
Miss Hannah Webster
Jo, you were always a ray of sunshine, no matter what was going on, that never did things by half! Taken too soon and will be sorely missed. Colin, Louise, Ethan & Hayden. Sleep easy my Friend.
Mr and Mrs Colin & Louise Dickens
Great sadness at the loss of my Great-Niece. Always cheerful and helpful in all ways.
Miss Audrey Warner
Dear, dear Jo, your resilience in the face of adversity was an inspiration and an example to all who were privileged to know you. X From Lynne and David Brindley
Mrs Lynne Brindley
My dearest Jo, all my love, always. Phil X
Mr Philip Sutton
To an inspirational and beautiful human being. Let your light shine on Leigh x
Mrs Leigh Acteson-Rook
A wonderful niece who will never be forgotten. You were always so cheerful and positive in spite of all you were going through. An inspiration to us all. We will all miss you Alan & Anthea xxxx
Our love, Alex, Helen, Stirling and Elodie
Dr Alex Smallwood
Sending our deepest condolences to you and the family. We are keeping you in our thoughts. From All your friends and colleagues at Dotmatics.
In loving memory of a joyful and thoughtful cousin x
Miss Elizabeth Smallwood