Thank you for your kind donation
Mike was a very good friend since 1945
Mr and Mrs Peter and Pat Allatt
Les & I very much enjoyed the friendship of Barbara & Mike for many years. Love Joan x
Mrs Joan Watts
All our sympathy to Karen, Nigel & families. Will be thinking of you all today. Love Brenda & Heather x
Mrs Heather Springham
A great uncle, who always made time for me Rip uncle Michael Love Kathryn xx
Mrs Kathryn Taylor
In memory of a very gentle and lovely man who it has been our privilege to know for many years. Many memories of special family occasions to treasure and never forgotten.
Mr and Mrs Richard & Jan PHILLIPS
In memory of a dear colleagues and friend. All my sympathies to Karen and Nigel and their families. Sarah Tyacke
Dr Sarah Tyacke
With all our love and gratitude for such a wonderful friendship with Michael and Barbara.
Dr Laura Millar